It's one of those days when I feel like crawling into bed. Didn't sleep last night at sitting at the computer, wearing a sweater and I'm still freezing. LOL I love the rain though-am hoping it rains more, but not til after I get the car into the shop LOL

Sitting here listening to Margaret Prescott on much for yesterday being the 'final day' of their fund drive. Two weeks of trying to raise $ to stay on the air. *sigh* It's one of my favorite radio stations to listen to: Fave shows: Democracy Now (, Uprising, Jerry Quigley's show, etc.. to name a small handful. News worth listening to...

Decided to take the plunge yesterday and commit myself full force to the "zine thing". I did my first zine at about age 9 or 10 (?) LOL, it was a B & W zine to the "Monkees", my favorite obsession at the time! Hey, it was 1985 and reruns were in ;)
(Thankfully, NOT "Rerun" from "What's Happening") Any ways, this little project I am working on-I am hoping for it to be fifty full color, meanderings, my stuff, some ideas to give people, etc... things that I'd want to see in a also thinking of including photos of my studio space since I love seeing other people's studios (yes, move over Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window...)

Those are my thoughts for the day...How much work can I get done in 4 hours before Tristan gets out of school-eek.

OH: "recommended" book for the day: Silly Daddy by Joe Ciappietta (spelling?)
Out of print, I've been told, but worth reading, or at least looking into!

Remember, Python on PBS tomorrow night! 10 PM PST is Terry Gilliam's episode focusing on his animation (yay). I'm irked that PBS (KCET) in LA is putting Michael Palin's show on a SUNDAY NIGHT!! AND AND AND they are not even airing Terry Jones' show-WHAT?@?!?!? Are they afraid that it's him 30+ years later doing his show "live, in the buff, from a piano near you" ?!?!?!? Grrr!! Or maybe they're not airing him because of his world views (ahem, I *love* Jones' articles that you can find if you google them...)


Anonymous said…
Kelly, let me know when you set your summer schedule - will you be going to CT to teach? My sister and I are so sad that Crafters Workshop closed.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Loretta,
I'm going to (hopefully) be at the Rubber Chicken stamp store (first time!) in MD the last weekend in July. The first weekend in August I will be at The Stamp Act, one of my fave stores in Marshfield, MA.
The Stamp Studio in CT is closing this month :( -so sad!!!
How are you doing???