Hiya Curly!
Ahem, couldn't resist...been listening to OTR especially (My personal favorite) The Phil Harris show...*those* were the days.
Not much new today-one of those 'typical' days. Laundry. Post Office. Blah blah blah...Took Tristan to the Grove...didn't find anything at Barnes & Noble (phew!)
Came home...put away what seemed like a zillion tons of laundry. Sat and watched the 4 o'clock news and realized *how* utterly different it is from the news I listen to...that most of the so called "news" sounded like PR releases or paid for commercials. But, I digress...managed to put the laundry away. I laid down to read-God, what was I reading ?? There's a whole pile of books on the bed but I'll be damnedifiknow! I fell asleep! Eek! Nothing like a 4:30 in the afternoon nap LOL I'll be up all night now. Woke up to make dinner & dishes :P
Sat on the living room floor while Tristan played, David worked, Phil Harris & Alice Faye played in the background and I cut & pasted things to make more mail art postcards...I'm way too obsessed with these little things. Tip: if you don't "like" something or aren't 100% sure of the "look"-try putting various cut up tissues on top (see what they look like before you glue them down)...I'm obsessed with doing that...am on the hunt for cool, funky "tissue papers" since 7 gypsies/autumn leaves is no longer making them :(
Cute joke I heard: Why do they call it tourist season if we can't shoot them?
David is waiting to watch Kung Fu-we're on the 3rd season. I'll be bummed when we've watched all of them. *Ah* young David Carradine at his finest. I LOVE that show...
Any ways, with David on the darn computer all day and me running around getting work done, I'm behind with my email again.
Oh, by the way, this is the inside of my "Woman's Notebook" journal sample..notice it is not bound to the "cover" (no sewing to the cover)...the cover opens flat. It's a "fat, chunky" book (not a "fat book" like the swaps) so those of you that are interested in the class but are afraid of making a humongous looking book (or are intimidated by the pages), we don't have to sew as many pages in-we can leave some out, or even 'replace' the pages with envelopes, glassine, fabric, canvas, etc.. just a thought!