August 10th-12th Returning to Fort Collins, CO

The schedule is:

Fri August 10th

Expressions 10-2

followed by

Beautiful Life 3-7

Sat, August 11th and Sun 12th
Personal Mythologies-two day class
Sat 10-5 and Sun 10-2

Class Descriptions:

What story will your book hold? Express yourself by creating a hand bound journal covered in luscious handmade paper. Create pages that fold out and hide your secrets or uniquely display your treasures. You will learn how to free your artistic self upon the pages of this book, creating a multitude of rich, colorful pages as you work. You will be learning not only how to make the book from scratch but also how to create a multitude of layered, “paper painted” pages.

Supply list: Scissors, small selection of favorite collage ephemera, bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels, permanent black inkpad, container to hold water, 1" brushes to glue (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks

A Beautiful Life Journal
What do you get when you combine paper, ribbon, glue and a little special somethin’ something? A soft covered (but extremely durable), quickly stitched and totally made by your own hands journal! You will learn not only how to create your own Beautiful Life Journal but you will discover how to successfully blend color, texture and imagery together onto the pages of your book. You’ll create luscious layers that combine rich, personal imagery with colorful, textured bits of paper ephemera. I’ll dig deep into my bag of tricks for this class, unearthing and sharing what I know to be the key to creating unique, personal journal pages that you will love!

Supply list: Scissors, small selection of favorite collage ephemera, bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels, permanent black inkpad, container to hold water, 1" brushes to glue (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks, bottle of tacky glue

Personal Mythologies
Every time we crack open a journal, we are telling our own unique story.
In this very special two day workshop, you will learn not only how to create your very own personal journal made by your own hands but also how to express yourself fully and in the moment upon the pages of your newly bound book.
You will work in your journal both days. I will be teaching you a variety of techniques, ideas and prompts to use in your journal. You will have lots of instructional time but also between each idea, I allow for guided play time, but I do teach both days. The second day is not a play day.
Expect to learn: bookbinding and constructing a personal journal, choosing a journal that fits you, making a journal your own, mixed media collage, composition, design, pen work, layering, journaling, self expression (how do I say what I want to say), making a page work and much, much more.
Be prepared to walk out with a new journal, several pages completed, a detailed handout and your head (and heart) bursting with inspiration, new ideas, possibilities and the knowledge that you can successfully express yourself in journal form!

Supply list: A hardcover book (any size) to use as the journal (note, we will be tearing pages out of our books and sharing some of our pages in class). I will have some books for you to use, but in case you have a book you’d really like to use, please bring it (if it's larger than 6 x 9" closed, please email me so I can make sure that I have the right size paper for it.) Scissors, small selection of favorite collage ephemera, bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels, permanent black inkpad, container to hold water, 1" brushes to glue (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks


Lori Wostl said…
Oh for xxxxxxxxxxx sake - I think I'm in California still on those dates - sheesh.
Tammy said…
OH Yay!!! I live in the Denver area and have signed up for all the classes. Can't wait!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Lori, sorry. :( My son's school district changed the !$#%*&!!! schedule so he has to go back August 14th. It seriously messed up our summer schedule!

Tammy, yay! Looking forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, please email me. Thanks!!!
Unknown said…
Oh! OH!!!

The Colorado dates -- I'm in Colorado Springs half a state away BUT a good friend of mine lives near Ft. Collins AND does Mixed Media stuff! I'm going to see about making this work!!!
Anonymous said…
A hardcover book - do you mean like a novel or any printed hardcover book or does it need to have empty pages?

I cannot wait for classes. I come every year. You give me such inspiration!
Kelly Kilmer said…
:) thank you!!!!
Any kind of hardcover book that you feel comfy working in! :)