PSA on Pilot's Latte and Sweets Pens -Sweets have been discontinued

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but when I went to link to the Sweets pen set on Jetpens the other day, only individual colors came up. Odd as they always sold them in sets as well. I posted on their facebook wall and sadly found out that the Sweets pens were discontinued in August.

The good news is that the Lattes are still being made.

The other good news is that as of the time that I'm writing up this post, there are still some Sweet pens left.

Here are the Sweets pens in order as to how they are shown on the Jetpens website:
Apple Green
Blueberry Lavender
Cherry Pink
Grape Purple
Mango Orange
Mint Green
Peach Orange (out of stock already)
Soda Blue
Strawberry Pink
Here are the Latte Pastels also in order as to how they are shown on the Jetpens website (remember, the Latte Pastels were NOT discontinued, only the SWEETS series):

Mauve Purple
Soft Blue
Please note that BOTH the sweets and the lattes sets have a white pen. There is no difference between the two white pens. I did not show the white pen in any of my photos. I LOVE it. It's a great white pen that writes clear but DRIES WHITE.

Here is a side by side color comparison. The Sweets are on the left and the Lattes are on the right.

It's funny that they label the Pilot Lattes as the "Pastels" when the colors are a tad darker than some of the Sweets. The lightest sweets are the apple green, blueberry lavender, soda blue and strawberry pink. I just stocked up on my favorite colors in the Sweets series: apple green, cherry pink, grape purple, mango orange, mint green, and strawberry pink. Sadly, they were already out of the peach orange. Yes, I will be hoarding these with the pens tightly capped and stored flat.

The colors are completely different than other manufacturer's gel pens, too.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, both the Latte and Sweets pens have been discontinued.


Lori Wostl said…
Yep-was wondering about that when I bought them. Lori W at Art Camp for Women.
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
They ought to be giving you a commission for this!
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL!!! Thanks, Jane! :)
