14 February 2004 Journal Page


Sandy said…
Love the colors on this. Great words and so true.
sharon said…
Hey Kelly!

I for one am enjoying your class sooooo much! The fact that I am really trying to be spontaneous and not trying to over think this whole thing is giving me a great liberated feeling...and i am loving it! The fact that I can work with things I already have, and very few materials, has me giddy! Thanks for opening my eyes! I posted my first page on my blog and linked to you.
Desert Mermaid said…
I truly hope that the 'getting it' is contagious -- just so that anyone who is in a situation that doesn't allow spending (for instance, my husband has been out of work, now, for 2 months with no leads in sight) won't feel s/he can't create but s/he can't buy STUFF. Stuff is wondrous & fun and I'm not downing it whatsoever -- I just really am blown away by you designing a class that teaches it IS possible to create these beautiful, personal, meaningful journals without 'waiting' until we have the 'right' tool, trick, product, ephemera ... I think this class will help everyone who takes it realize (& spread the word) that creation is about sitting down and creating, period.

Monica said…
The class is great and i don't feel victimized by a selling campaign for the latest and most costly supplies. it is so low key i am having fun.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Sandy, Sharon and Monica!

Toni, Thank you! EXACTLY. I've been preaching that for a while. New toys are fun but you don't need them to make stuff.
