14 October 2010 journal page

Am trekking to Stampin' From The Heart today to teach my Metamorphosis class for the last time in 2010. There is room for last minute sign ups! :)

The past two weeks have been go go go. I'm really looking forward to a pj day where I can stay home in my jammies and just make art! My head has been churning full of ideas lately that I can't wait to try. I have several new ideas for online classes and they're all flooding my brain at one time, so I'm looking forward to some quiet time where I can just play with the ideas and see what develops. Lots to share, that's for sure!

FYI, just a little heads up. Last night we were at Book Soup on Sunset and they had several Maira Kalman SIGNED books for sale! :)

Another event that happens tomorrow (Saturday at 7:00 p.m.) night in L.A. at Family Books on Fairfax in L.A. is
Brian Chippendale & C.F. Book Launch + Slideshow Presentation.

Blog Love:
List it Tuesday!
Heads up, Joe Sorren in Los Angeles!
Lynda Barry!
100 Books Project: Santa Fe
Make sure you enter Seth's contest!
Felt Ball Holiday Decor


Seth said…
Thanks one more time for getting the word out Kelly!

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