Favorite Art Books

Here you will find a selection of the books that have shaped me as an artist. These are the books that I return to repeatedly (and have read.) This is an ongoing list which I'll continue to add to. 
As a bibliophile, I'm always open to recommendations!
Learning By Heart-Corita Kent and Jan Steward
Robert Henri's The Art Spirit
John Dewey's The Art Experience

David Lynch Catching the Big Fish 
 Herman Melville's Moby Dick 

 I Like What I Know by Vincent Price
Van Gogh: A Self Portrait by W.H. Auden
Van Gogh Letters: The Complete Annotated and Illustrated Edition

The Yellow House: Van Gogh, Gauguin and Nine Turbulent Weeks in Provence 
On Art and Mindfulness, Enrique Martinez Celaya
Enrique Martínez Celaya Collected Writings and Interviews, 2010-2017 

Enrique Martínez Celaya Collected Writings and Interviews, 1990-2010
After the Scream, the Late Paintings of Edvard Munch
So Much Longing in So Little Space, Karl Ove Knausgaard 
Joan Mitchell 

Joan Mitchell Lady Painter, Patricia Albers  

Diary and Letters of Kaethe Kollwitz
Cezanne Drawings
Paul Cezanne Drawings and Watercolors
The Letters of Paul Cezanne
Arshile Gorky His Life and Work-Hayden Herrera
Jack Whitten Notes from the Woodshed
Hilary Spurling's two volume set on Matisse, The Unknown Matisse and Matisse the Master
 Henri Matisse His Art and His Public by Alfred H. Barr
Francoise Gilot The Woman Who Says No
Francoise Gilot Life with Picasso

Paul Klee Life and Work 
Paul Klee by Will Grohmann published by Abrams
 The Spiritual in Art Abstract Painting 1890-1985
Black Artists on Art by Dr Samella Lewis 
David Park, Painter Nothing Held Back by Helen Park Bigelow
David Park A Painter's Life by Nancy Boas
 Richard Diebenkorn: Catalogue Raisonne
Matisse Diebenkorn published by Prestel 2016
Richard Diebenkorn Beginnings
Richard Diebenkorn: a Retrospective
Bay Area Figurative Art 1950-1965 by Caroline A. Jones
Elmer Bischoff The Ethics of Paint by Susan Landauer
The San Francisco School of Abstract Expressionism by Susan Landauer
 The Spirit of Abstract Expressionism by Elaine de Kooning
A Generous Vision: The Creative Life of Elaine de Kooning by Cathy Curtis
ReMemory: The Art of Bill Koeb
Joe Sorren In Celebration of Balance and Opposable Thumbs Vol 1
Freedom Wigs Martha Rich
Found Objects in an Open World Gail and Zachariah Rieke
Squeak Carnwath: Lists, Observations and Counting
Hundertwasser Complete Graphic Work 1951-1976
What Shall We Do Without Us? Kenneth Patchen
Utopia Parkway The Life and Work of Joseph Cornell by Deborah SolomonJoseph Cornell/Marcel Duchamp In Resonance
Inspired: How Creative People Think, Work and Find InspirationOff Screen: Four Young Artists in the Middle EastDeary Diary Sara Fanelli
The Journey is the Destination: The Journals of Dan Eldon
The Marat/Sade Journals Barron Storey
Life After Black-Barron Storey
John Copeland Selected Works from Journals 7-22
Diaries, Journals and Notebooks-Steve McPherson
Peter Beard by Nejma Beard and David Fahey
Lulu by Lulu De Kwiatkowski and Steve Crist
Birdfeeder Abbey Hendrickson
In The Sweet Bye & Bye Margaret Kilgallen
A to Z Nathalie Lete
Julie Arkell
Maira Kalman's The Principles of Uncertainty
The Diary of Frida Kahlo
Charlotte, A Diary in Pictures Charlotte Salomon
Drawing from Life: The Journal as Art by Jennifer New
What It Is by Lynda Barry
Lenore Tawney's Signs on the Wind
Lauren McIntosh
Fatal Distraction by Sonja Ahlers
Joan Snyder by Hayden Herrera
The Art of Joan Schulze
Mary Bogdan Paintings, Assemblages, Prints
Tina Berning 100 Girls on Cheap Paper
 The Age of Feminine Drawing
Anh Duong (Self)Portraits
Irene Hardwicke Olivieri Paintings
Interior Alchemy: Secrets to Creating Expressive Ambience Rebecca Purcell
Kaleidoscope: Ideas and Projects to Spark Your Creativity by Suzanne Simanaitis
Mail Art: Art postal - Art posté by Renaud Siegmann
Good Mail Day Jennie Hinchcliff and Carolee Gilligan Wheeler
Book + Art: Handcrafting Artists' Books by Dorothy Simpson Krause
Making Journals By Hand by Jason Thompson
500 Handmade Books
1000 Artist Journal Pages Dawn DeVries Sokol
Masters: Collage: Major Works by Leading Artists
Cover to Cover by Shereen LaPlantz


Brian K said…
Oh my gosh! This is priceless!!!! Loving this... Dang it's going to be expensive........
Mouseybrat said…
What an awesome line up of books. Definitely some there I need to check out.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for listing your favorite art books...Out of all of those,I have three. I will definitely be checking out several titles...new artists (to me). Another thing I like about it is that it's not just a list of how to books. I check your blog almost everyday...I'd take your class but I'm kind of into paint right now...
Lori W said…
I want them all - actually I have a few. Thanks for posting this Kelly...a new reading list!
Mary said…
okay are you trying to drain my wallet??? :)

These look great. I just picked up a copy of "The Journey is the Destination" and the other book about him "Dan Eldon The Art of Life". He was such an amazing young man.

Will have to check out a few more you have posted.

Thanks for sharing!! I have many of these but some I dont. I am going to try to check them out. Books are such a weakness!!
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
I forecast some busy bookstores today. I am intrigued by several of these, especially This Inspired: How Creative People Think, Work and Find Inspiration. Do you own a copy?
GoodchefT said…
I've been trying to get Dear Diary for years from the library and no one seems to have it.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Yes, all of the books above are books that I own.

I bought the Inspired book at Borders years ago. It was the only time I ever saw it.

I tend to jump on Gingko Press publications. They are some of my favorites.

My favorite publishers:
Mark Murphy (out of San Diego), Gingko Press, Paumes, Fantagraphics, Top Shelf, Drawn and Quarterly, Last Gasp, Chronicle Books...to name a few...
Jazz said…
Heh! We have several favourites in common. But we knew that!
Diana said…
What a wonderful and wide-ranging selection of books, Kelly! I clicked on the Cornell/Duchamp cover and nearly had a heart attack over the price, tho - yikes! Guess I won't be buying that one, but still, thanks for stretching my brain a bit.
Linda said…
Kaleidoscope is a favorite of mine. Love that book.
dorit said…
OY! I have pain in my wallet...
However I have ten of them so it will be a bit less painful!
Great suggestions Kelly!
Thanks as always.
ps: Check my blog - you are in my list!
Seth said…
Stellar list from my librarian! Familiar with some (and second your recommendations) but many are new to me. Off to discover now!! Thanks.
Krista said…
Wow what a list..I have four of them..Most I have never seen.

Thanks so much
Great wish list material
Sandy said…
This is a great list of books. It's going to take me awhile to go these but oh what fun.

Thanks for sharing.
martha brown said…
This is a great list Kelly! I have some -- and there are a few that I want. I'm a bit late reading this -- it's been too hot to turn on the computer!
Anonymous said…
Wow, what a mega list of amazing books. Some I know, some I have, but lots of fresh spirit here...newness...so wonderful Kelly, thanks for taking the time to inspire us so.
Julie Prichard said…
Great list, Kelly!
Anonymous said…
Wow wow wow! I'm honored to have made it onto your list -- thanks so much! We have many books in common: the Cornell/Duchamp book is simply the best, Gail Rieke's work is always incredibly inspiring, and I love Barron Storey's illustration style. There are quite a few books here that are new to me, so I guess the adventure begins -- thanks so much for sharing!
Bill Koeb said…
Hi Kelly,
That is an impressive list, thanks for including my book on it, I am honored.

Hope all is well with you. I see that the con is coming up this week. I won't be there this year, but perhaps next year.

All my best,

eebeads.com said…
Oooo you like Hunderwasser too! Love his work so hard to find books or prints of his though...
ginatorkos said…
Just in time for my Christmas wish list! Thanks for sharing all of your books, there are some titles I wouldn't have found otherwise!
Intense list! Whew!
Rosie said…
oh wow, I love your list of books and the images Kelly! what a great page... I love the bookbinding ones. I'd add Gwen Diehns lovely ones, eg Decorated Journal, and 'the Drawing Book - tania kovats, and Draw! by Jeffrey Camp, he's a funny guy.. always inspiring.

what a great blog, found you via someone on Julie Balzers tonight. the online community is endlessly wonderful isnt it?

have a good week there
Rosie said…
oh wow, I love your list of books and the images Kelly! what a great page... I love the bookbinding ones. I'd add Gwen Diehns lovely ones, eg Decorated Journal, and 'the Drawing Book - tania kovats, and Draw! by Jeffrey Camp, he's a funny guy.. always inspiring.

what a great blog, found you via someone on Julie Balzers tonight. the online community is endlessly wonderful isnt it?

have a good week there
ReneHales said…
Thank you so much for introducing me to Maira Kalman and her "The Principles of Uncertainty". I ordered a used copy and I love it. Such an inspiration.
Miss Marple said…
WOW...a whole new world just openend to me. I will have to bookmark this page and buy the books one by one...
Thank you for sharing - Irma
beenebag said…
Great idea to list your books! I've been in love with Cornell's work forever. You might like these as well: Any book by Sabrina Ward Harrison, "One Artist Journal" by Orly Avineri, "Evidence. The Art of Candy Jerningan" (Chronicle Books), "The Curiosities Of Janice Lowry" (Grand Central Press), "The World of Donald Evans" by Willy Eisenhart and "The Artful Dodger" by Nick Bantock.