more recent pages...and Barron Storey

Make sure you run on over to The Altered Page and check out his post on Barron Storey's exhibit in NYC. It is AMAZING. THANK YOU, Seth!

I've blogged about Barron many times. You can see some pictures here and here. Yeah, I'm a dorky fan girl but I'll proudly admit it. I pick up books and publications with his work in them. His books are in my top 10 favorites-EVER. They are treasures that should be on every artist's shelves.

You can still get copies of Life After Black at cover price. Do NOT buy it on amazon. They want an insane amount of $ for it. Go here. Those of you in NY, can pick it up at the gallery.

Carl also has voiced plans to reprint Storey's Marat/Sade Journals.

You can find Storey's work in Sandman: Endless Nights.

I'm very excited about Art Revolution, which comes out at the end of July. It features Storey's work among many others. It is very high on my want wish list.

In the meantime, you can still get copies of various Storey publications through Vanguard. I would strongly recommend picking up copies of The Edge and Watch 1996.

For those of you in L.A.,

July 9–August 15 2009
Barron Storey
Linda LaBella
Robin Gaynes-Bachman
Opening Reception Thursday, July 9, 5-7 pm

Bert Green Fine Art is located at 102 West 5th Street (at Main Street), Los Angeles CA 90013. Telephone 213-624-6212. Hours are Tuesday throught Saturday 12–6 pm.

Barron's website here and blog here.

If you like Barron Storey you should also check out David Mack, Dave McKean, Bill Koeb, Kent Williams, Greg Spalenka, John Copeland, Bill Sienkiewicz, James Jean, David Choe and David Choong Lee to name a few.
Many were students of Storey, as was the wonderful and talented, Juliana Coles.

Bill Koeb (whose work I also adore) has signed copies of his Rememory book here on etsy.

Finally, I'm not a stalker. I just know what I like and I like damn good art! I also like to know WHO CREATED the art that I like. It's maddening to me that so many people don't know artist names and who created art that they enjoy. C'mon folks, get off your keisters and learn about your favorite artists. ;)


T and J said…
Well I know for a fact that one of my fave artists is addicted to pens......
Anonymous said…
A Deep Bow to you, Mistress of Books.
I had given up on the Storey Book seeing the top-heavy Amazon price and you've saved me.
Also, a John Copeland and Julianna Coles fan, I'll be checking out every unfamiliar name that you've dropped.
Keep dropping!
Thanks again. This Blog is a fabulous resource and inspiration!
Zoe, ontheroad said…
Great post; thanks for all the links.
Anonymous said…
Oh Kelly brilliant that you are...Thanks for helping us 'know' more about our favs and know about other brilliant artists that we have never heard of untill you came along..thanks for stalking..I appreciate a good stalk..:D
I see that you are very attached to pink..I am to reds and yellows and all the inbetweens....sometimes I decide: 'today I will explore other color families' never ever works!!!! What do you think?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks Orly! I've been trying to keep this journal I'm working in now going in a 'pink' theme. I don't know how much longer I will hold paint brush is itching for other colors. BUT I want to TRY to keep it going!!
Seth said…
Great post with so much info Kelly. Thank you once again for sharing your never ending knowledge and resource list!