journal page from 3/21 and birthday wishes...

This is the last page from my Danville weekend. I always have a blast at Stampers Warehouse! After teaching, I usually go back to the hotel and unwind with my journal so the pages you've seen here I did after teaching...I wanted to give a shout out with warm birthday fishes, I MEAN Birthday WISHES to my friend Renee. Please join me in wishing her a Happy HAPPY Birthday by visiting her blog here. Happy Birthday, Renee! Eat lots of cake! Make lots of art! Smile!! We're all thinking of YOU!!!!!!!!!


Dale Anne said…
Am LOVING seeing what your journal pages are like....when you travel what kind of journal kit do you take along?
Sandy said…
I love these two pages Kelly and I'm really loving this size of your journal. It's looking great. Sounds like a great way to unwind to me.
Renee said…
Kisses and hugs xxx and ooo for this madam.

Lots of cake it is.

Love Renee xoxoxo