2009 books to look forward to...

Here's a list of new books coming out in 2009! The first one is out right now!! Click on the book cover for a link!

Lynda's Ernie Pook Comeek is also due out this year!

Also due out in September, though there isn't a photo yet on amazon is Eddie Campbell's Alec: The Years Have Pants

So far, it looks like it's a great year for new books! *fingers crossed*
that we'll all have money to buy them and bookstores to buy them at!

“When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.” Desiderius Erasmus


Anonymous said…
It looks like my shopping cart at Amazon is going to get even bigger than it already is! I have always loved the Desiderius Erasmus quote. It's SO perfect! Bibliophiles Unite!!!!
Anonymous said…
You are the best art books reviewer ever!
Anonymous said…
Thank you kelly for the book recs. Really needed that fix.
Maija said…
I always enjoy reading your reveiws on everything from books to pens to polotics!! I heard that Sharpie is going to discontinue the poster paint sets- can that be true?!?!?!
Seth said…
You are always in the know Kelly. Thanks so much for compiling and sharing this list. Off to Amazon now!
Anonymous said…
That Journal bliss book looks pretty cool - just from the cover - oh more books to buy!
T and J said…
If I pre-order it - then it's not really like I'm spending money now... it's being spent in the future, right?
Anonymous said…
I can hardly wait for LK's book to come out... I'll have some of my stuff in it--for the first time in a long time!--postcards from the first year of the Color Postcards project... whoot!!!

Mary S. Hunt said…
i already received the first book
it is AWESOME!
get it y'all
I'll take them all!!!!
Anonymous said…
I love books! I want all of them!
Dorit Elisha said…
Hey Kelly,
It's an honor to be on your list of recommended books!
Also, I remember very fondly your taped book class. It was awesome, and with all these tapes out there I should make tons of more books.