Heading to Frenzy Stamper in AZ *very* soon

Is it really almost February already!?!? WOW!
I am VERY excited about teaching at THE ONE AND ONLY, Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale, AZ.
I'm teaching FIVE workshops starting February 6th through the 8th.
The samples are IN the store and you can also see them online here and here. I LOVE teaching at Frenzy Stamper. It's one of my most favorite stores on the entire planet. There is still room in the classes so if you're interested in, sign up now!!!!! Debbie is heading to CHA and Alice is holding down the fort (see the blog post for more info). Hope to see YOU THERE!


Laurel's blog post today on rock, paper, scissors just totally cracked me up.

Hoping that it keeps raining today. I love the rain. I'm not a big fan of anything over 80 degrees (I blame hubby for living in So CA, the land of the heat). It always feels like a huge treat when it rains here. Move me up north to OR or WA, anywhere where there is real weather.

I'm still reading Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and for the most part, loving every page of it.

Can I just tell you-again-that I love Aaron McGruder?


Anonymous said…
OMG ... Laurel's post is a much-needed laugh today! And I HAVE to agree with her philosophy! *lol*

What do you like (or not) about Kingsolver's book? It's on my list of to-reads ...
Kelly Kilmer said…
It's a good read. An eye opener on some levels, other things I already have read elsewhere. All in all, a good book to be recommended. Not everyone can pack up and move to their own farm, but if more people did the little things and realized what was in their food (or the stuff being marketed as food) then maybe things would get better. I am hoping she touches on the gross amount of waste at the supermarket-food that gets tossed, dumpsters locked, etc... all in the name of profit. I am almost a 1/3 of the way through.
Auntie Karen said…
Dude, I loved Animal, Vegetable, Miracle! That book changed my life. I went out and bought a bread machine and now all our pizza is home made. I thought I was doing pretty good already withe the farmers market stuff but now I work at it even harder.
Sandy said…
I love your pages today. They are wonderful.

I love Laurels blog post. I needed that laugh this morning. :)

I hope you have a great turnout for the classes.
Renee said…
Kelly I love your journal page. Just beautiful.

Hannah Rose said…
i love love love your journal pages!! i would love mine to look like yours but they dont and that is totally ok!!!! they are mine and not for anybody else and thats ok!! taking me a while to realise this and absorb it but slowly i think it is getting there!!


Hannah Rose