More "Reclaimed: An Artist's Book"

Here are two journal pages that I created last night I thought I'd share with you...One thing about when you work in a journal, remember: It's a journal. It's your safe haven. It's your place to explore and test and play and document and see what happens. It's not a place to judge. It's your journal. Just like this is my journal. It's hard as an artist when you put yourself out there...I post all of my journal pages. It's not a "see what I did" type thing. It's more to inspire. It's more to document my life. It's more to show people that with art, there's good and bad :) I put up the good and the bad pages. Not that they should be judged that way. When you look at the journal pages in books and magazines, for every one good page there's a few that the artist didn't want you to see. To me though, art is about the process. It's not about the final outcome. It's not about how pretty it is. It's not about how trendy it is. It's real. It's honest. It's me. It's me doing what I love to do-paint, cut and glue.
It's me sharing my journey with you. I appreciate all of you that travel along with me.Go make art for *you*.

Those of you in So CA, please stay safe. I had to postpone my Thousand Oaks workshop today because of the fires. Please please stay safe.

Every year it is the same thing with these fires. Something needs to be done. We need to figure out how the brush can be cleared. It would be a good way to put people to work and to create new jobs at a time where many are out of work.
Kudos to those who marched today. No on 8. Equal rights for all.


Anonymous said…
Your journal pages definately inspire me. You have inspired me, and some of the pages have been about stuff happening in my life that was very difficult. I come here to be inspired by your pages and I wish that I could take classes with you someday. Ever thought of teaching in Toronto, Canada, that would be awesome!

So, please keep on creating your pages, and showing them. It inspires me to get up and create!
Jacquelene L.
Toronto, Canada
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you, Jacquelene for your kind words. I would love to go to Toronto :) I haven't been there in years and it was one great city!!!! I'm always looking for new places to teach ;)
crimsoncat05 said…
I LOVE that you put your journal pages out there as inspiration for us! I am still working on figuring out "my" style... I love seeing how "free" and uninhibited your use of paper and color is in your pages. It is definitely an inspiration, and a reminder for me to tell my inner critic to shut up and get out of the way of my inner artist!
Anonymous said…
Completely and totally cool journal pages....very
you and really inspiring!!!
Meghan in Mass
lynne h said…
amen to everything, kelly. SO glad you're you!
Sandy said…
I love your art, all of your art. I agree that you should journal the good and the bad, no matter what it is. Your journal is about your life and I too journal my good and bad. That's what it's all about.

I love this journal, it is awesome. You could publish it. :D Thanks for sharing your work.
Chris said…
Kelly, I met you very briefly in Zinnia before one of your classes and I stalk you periodically through email, but I want to post a comment here and thank you for so simply stating the 'facts' about art journaling. I am hoping to start my first art journal soon, when done with my yule gifties, and your words about why you post your pages will be in my mind to help me through the 'not pretty' pages.
Zom said…
I feel exactly the same. I also post all of my journal pages, and recently did a post on one of my 'bloopers' for precisely that reason.

Nothing wrong with making bad art, lol. It is still fun!
Seth said…
I really value your belief that art journals are about the process and about creating for oneself!