Oops...some pens I left off the list

I was in such a hurry last night and blogger was out of service (thereby messing me up!) that I forgot to add THESE pens to the list (thanks to Amy for the reminder)!! I bought them from Jetpens(no affiliation, they're just a good company!):

First up, the lattes and the sweets which are similar to the Sakura Glaze and Souffle pens I mentioned last night. What I love about the Lattes and Sweets is the TIP. SKINNY. Also, the colors are different! I never leave home without at least one pack of these! Oh yes, the whites both write clear and dry white. The pens are also a matte finish.

The Lattes-

The Sweets-
I love the Pentel Pocket Brush Pen. You can write on dried paint with it (some times. It can be temperamental on paint. I'll write and then write over it on top 'til it comes out) and paper (obviously). I LOVE the brush pen. Expensive. Hard to find. But, I love it.
The Pentel Pocket Brush Pen-

I bought a copy of I LIVE HERE yesterday at Book Soup on Sunset. I can't put it down. I was up late last night reading the first book which is on Ingushetia. I can't stop thinking about it. One of the most powerful books I've ever read. Heart breaking but also inspiring.
There's a signing for the book tonight (Wed) at Book Soup on Sunset at 7 p.m.


There's still room in my Stampers Warehouse classes this weekend. If you're interested, please contact the store to sign up: 925 362 9595.


Speedmaster said…
Very nice. My daughter has a few of those Latte gel pens and loves them.