It's only noon and this is what's happened today-

Before 7 a.m. we were awoken by trucks outside our apartment for the zillionth time, blocking us in. This has been going on for months and we still do not know what is going on:

If I were an inspector these are the things I would ASK the tenants about:

Furniture that blocks the hallways (our "lovely neighbor's" new furniture):

The fact that none of the doors in this whole building close the right way letting air in and out:
The inspector did not even ask US anything, they just assumed. SO, when they said "no leaks" for the kitchen sink I had to point out that it DOES leak. Also, no one asked about the water. We can't use the hot water in the kitchen because it has rust in it. (We only use the cold water and the right side of the sink as the left side is what leaks).

This is the old dishpan that we keep under the sink to "catch" the dripping water. See the lovely rust...

Oh, by the way, none of the windows open and close properly. We have one window in the living room (big picture window that is flanked on either side by two windows-one of which is just another big window that does NOT open) and the one to the left has "slats" in it that guess what? Yup! They don't work right either. This is the window in Tristan's room. We have to manually open and close it as the handle doesn't work anymore. The window in the bathroom doesn't work right either. We won't go into the fact that the screens are a joke. When we first moved in there were no screens. We had to ask for them.

The whole bathroom has peeling paint. It's been like this for eons. Not to mention the spots on the ceiling...hmmm...I told them about the bathroom in 2004.

This is how they usually patch problems-this was done several years ago when the "kitchen fan" was occupied by pigeons. Yup, that's how they fixed it.
We won't go into how we do NOT use the heater. It's never that cold here in So CA. I don't even know if it works. We keep it covered because there is a raccoon that lives in the crawl space area and he crawls up and down from the basement to the attic (and vice versa) via a tree and a hole in the outside of the building. Hmmm, no one has ever inspected the heating unit though...or cleaned it...or asked if it works.
Our outside shitty windows that don't open correctly.
The "inspector" didn't ask about any of this. We tried to point things out. They took pictures of the sink and the ceiling in the bathroom. They checked the smoke detector batteries (stupid assholes. I would not live in a place without WORKING detectors). They could NOT get into our neighbor's apartment (The asshole). They were NOT going to take a picture of his new furniture that blocks our way up and down the stairs. They came back a SECOND time though to take a picture of MY stuff in the living room and our front door. I am PISSED at the moment. The woman said that we needed to be able to get out the front window (the one to the right-you know, the one that is just a big pane of glass and does NOT open) in case of a fire. Um, that's really weird 'cause the front door is a couple of steps away from the window. She did NOT ask my permission to take a photo of MY stuff. I did tell her we had a fire ladder for the back bedroom that *I* bought.
She asked me to show it to her and she snapped a picture of it. Yup, that makes sense. There is NO fire escape in the back...instead, there is a large tree that touches our roof. There is also a very tall gate and NO way out of that back area except for a tall fence and a tall LOCKED gate. And they're worried about my small pile of class crap that I am trying to put away??!!!

Tomorrow I have my yearly girly appointment (oh how high is my blood pressure now...) and part 2 of Tristan's Big Dentist Adventure.

Oh, and before anyone asks why don't we move...Um, have you seen the rent prices lately? They have sky rocketed to an insane, exorbitant amount that most people can't afford. So the only thing that keeps us here is the rent which is still too high for this dump.

Fun fun fun! Hopefully life will be much calmer soon...


Anonymous said…
Oh sweet mary....what a mess! I feel for you. Apartment living is bad enough without all the extra BS you're going through!

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