Inspection! 2nd post of the day

I was going to run around and take pictures of what the 3 people who entered our apartment took pictures of...but I'm not. The inspection started out like this-we could hear them coming (think Jaws music). They go into 101 which has just be "redone" (see picture of apartment at bottom of the stairs). When they re-do something it's usually half assed and shitty (note: spray painting Tristan's bedroom ceiling instead of actually ripping it open and actually fixing it after it "Rained" in his bedroom for two weeks at Christmas while we were away in 2004. Then they did NOTHING about it for SIX MONTHS. Tristan slept on the living floor in a blow up bed. My favorite comment upon one of the managers walking into our room with our little Christmas tree, her snide remark was "This must be the storage area." WTF?

So, they try to go into 102-this is the the guy who has given us shit since he's moved in. We know he got the notice as I saw it piled on the boxes (t are still in front of his door) and then he put the notice back ON the door knob. He hasn't been home in several days. Guess what he did? He changed the lock. They couldn't get in. They tried to break the door down but couldn't (wussy).

So then I hear the entourage come up to our door. I hear the building manager say "This is apartment 103 (duh-it says it on the door). It's a one bedroom." I hear him start jingling for keys INSTEAD OF KNOCKING. I am standing RIGHT at the door. David is sitting at the computer. We're just waiting. The bastard doesn't even KNOCK. So, I watch him through the peephole going through the keys, kneeling down. I open the door (he's on the floor LOL) and say "You should knock. We're home."

Three people come in and say "hi" but pretty much ignore what we say. Two have clipboards. All have digital cameras. They take pictures of the cable cord (we don't have cable) that sticks out of the ceiling in the living room. They take pictures of the living room ceiling, the bathroom ceiling, the bathroom floor, the kitchen floor, the kitchen cupboards, the entry way-a little bump that separates carpet from tile, the windows that are ancient, the crappy things they call screens, they take pictures of the taped up brown paper bag we have over the heating vent in the living room because of the fact that A. there have been critters living up there in the past (none now) and B. no one has ever cleaned it C. We don't use heat in here. They took pictures of lots of things.

They did not check the wiring in the building.

They did not check the water and see that we have rust in the hot water.

They didn't talk to us.

It's Our World and Welcome To It!


Alix said…

How violating! I'm so glad that's over for you...I just don't get these people and their rudeness. shudder
Shoshanah said…
lovely. inspectors or potential buyers that only care about the appearance? oh, i WISH they could have knocked the door down on #102! oh, how i wish you could have been right behind them with a camera! : }

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