What I was going to do...

What I *was* going to to with this post-

I was going to post about the amazingly fun day I had teaching at Violets Rubber Stamp Inn in Ventura (folks, she's closing in a few weeks so check her out NOW. The LAST class is my class, Saturday, August 4th.)

I was going to post about snagging a copy of the Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows at the bookstore at 9 a.m. and walking out with a grin. I was going to post about how I just couldn't wait and I read the chapter by chapter "blurbs" on wikipedia yesterday afternoon. Mum is the word, of course, unless you ask me what happens...and no one else is around, I'll tell you.

I was going to post about my friend Lorraine giving me an amazing necklace that I just am treasuring...and the beads she gave me for Bead For Life.

I was going to post about how I came home and found not one but TWO boxes waiting for me...and how generous Gwen in AZ is with the goodies she sent me in exchange for books I sent her...OR how frickin' amazingly cool the wallpaper is that I ordered from Mary Ann. I am still shaking my head at how FAST the package arrived (Thanks M.A.!!!) and that it is DECORATED in true Dispatch style!!

I was going to post at how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jesse Reno's book and that I think it is one of the BEST books that I have EVER bought and how much I just want to wrap myself in the pages...and that there is a lot of PINK in it...and Jesse is a MAN and I love artists who embrace pink.

I was going to do all of that...but I'm tired.


~jolene said…
Geesch Kelly, I'm so sorry you were SO tired we didn't hear a THING about your day ;-) LOL!
katie said…
i love Love LOVE jesse reno's artwork. i saw his work for the very first time when i was haunting the streets of Portland with DJ after Art and Soul last year and saw the amazing window he painted in the Hawthorne district...i must now have his book. thanks for heads up!

oh, and i just bought Mz Cartright (her first name totally escapes me at the moment) and Sarah Fishburn's book and LOVE your house contribution.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks Katie for the kind words ;)

Oh, Jesse's book is frickin' amazing!!!!