Celebrate YOU today! Happy International
Women's Day!

(The above quote is from Helen Keller. I added the "Think" part. Her words are: "Be not dumb, obedient slaves in an army of destruction. Be heroes in an army of construction.")

Some interesting websites for today:

Women in the military

Geena Davis' quest

Women's Day history here, here

Current articles here and HUGE bravos to the three high school students in N.Y. who are proud of their feminity, dammit! Since when is vagina a bad word? Oh! Wait, this goes along with what Neil Gaiman was talking about. Even boys can't talk about their "boy parts" and have the word 'scrotum' in a library book. Eeps. What have we come to? Are we to be reduced to "hoo hoo", "pee pee" and baby talk? I don't frigging think so. There's nothing dirty or obscene about the human body and children (and adults!!) need to realize it.

Happy International Women's Day.

Oh, and for the hell of it. Dance, monkey, dance. After all, we are just a bunch of monkeys...
